Get guaranteed 99.9999% availability with HPE Nimble!
Get guaranteed 99.9999% availability with HPE Nimble!

HPE Nimble Storage leverages flash storage and predictive analytics to eliminate the app-data gap and guarantee 99.9999% availability.
It delivers the best all-flash capacity per TB in the industry – and future-proofed design for value today and tomorrow.
FLASH HERE. FLASH EVERYWHERE – Multicloud flash fabric creates an easy-to-use, single flash architecture across a multicloud environment.
SIMPLY RELIABLE – 86% of issues predicted and resolved automatically, 99.9999% availability.
GLOBAL VISIBILITY AND AUTOMATION – See and manage across clouds with AI for the datacentre. Simplify multi-cloud management, orchestration and automation.
Are you struggling to find the perfect combination of flash storage and predictive analytics?
HPE Nimble Storage All Flash Arrays combine a flash-efficient architecture with HPE InfoSight predictive analytics to achieve fast, reliable access to data and 99.9999% guaranteed availability.
Radically simple to deploy and use, the arrays are cloud-ready, providing data mobility to the cloud through HPE Cloud Volumes.
Your storage investment made today can support you well into the future, thanks to our technology and business-model innovations.
HPE Nimble Storage All Flash Arrays include all-inclusive licensing, easy upgrades and flexible payment options – while also being future-proofed for new technologies, such as NVMe and Storage Class Memory (SCM).